Saturday, May 16, 2009


So getting places here is actually quite easy. There are a few options:

1. Matatu - 14 passenger vans that run along specific routes and constantly pick up and drop people off. This is the cheapest way and costs 20 shillings (25 cents) no matter where you go. Usually there are way more than 14 people on them and often I am squished up against a huge woman or 3 school kids all sitting in one seat. Most of these vehicles are decorated with stickers of American pop stars of sports teams. There is always very loud music playing and lights flashing at night. Basically they are awesome and by far the most convenient effective means of transport.

2. Motorbike - These are motorcycles that are everywhere on every street corner and can easily feet 2 people plus the driver. I use these when I have to get somewhere quickly and they are still very cheap.

3. Tuk-Tuk - These are three wheeled, covered vehicles that are not super fast but can fit 4 or 5 people in them if needed. They're awesome when it's raining, but they're also pretty slow, very loud, and not a smooth ride. Great for coming home with groceries..

4. Boda-Boda - These are the most common... bicycle taxis. Guys ride bikes with thick padded plastic seats on the back. They are EVERYWHERE and there are a million of them. The only part that sucks is that they can't go up hills or inclines of ANY kind very well because they have only one gear. It's a slight blow to my ego where I'm going somewhere up a slight incline and the guy has to ask me to get off and walk because he can't carry me haha. Also, the guys that are carrying me are often about half my weight...

I can easily use all of these in one day. But I do use matatus and bodabodas every single day. I wish I could explain more how crazy and chaotic the roads are here. Cars, matatus, bikes, tuktuks, and pedestrains... all using horrible, pothole-filled, half paved roads. It's crazy!