Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The beach

I went to the coast last weekend with some friends for a little getaway. We took an overnight bus which was supposed to take 12 hours, but there was an accident on the road, yes THE road because there is only one road going across the country so we sat still in the middle of the night for 3 hours until we finally started moving. We arrived in Mombasa and took public transport down to Diani Beach which is about 30 mins south of Mombasa. The place where we stayed was a like a small apartment/cottage about 30 yards from the beach. You couldn't exactly see the water but if you walked a few yards you could.

The beach was absolutely gorgeous. It's just hard to believe sometimes when you're there that you are in Kenya. Kenya... the place where 56% of the people live on less than one dollar per day, where corruption in the government spoils everything and where food security is a huge issue... Yet here we are on a postcard beach with no one around in the most beautiful place ever. Wierd...

We basically laid on the beach and swam in the light blue, clear warm water all day. Friday afternoon we took camel rides down the beach. It was pretty sweet. We ate at a restaurant a little ways down where you sit at a table with your feet in the sand and the ocean breeze blowing on you while eating good food (cheeseburgers and pizza!!) Then we got up and did it all over again the next day. The Kenyan coast is so cool because you can be in paradise and pay $4 a night. Slightly different than most other beach resort areas.

Otherwise, work is going really well. It was nice to get away but every time I come back I realize how much I have to do. It's never ending, but I love it.