Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yes I am still in Kenya...

So many things have been happening the last few months. Work is going great. We have successfully started our leagues, eight of them, ranging from under 10 to under 18. We have 1500 kids playing competitive soccer in an organized league every weekend... SUCCESS! Also, my organization, KYFA, has been getting some national recognition. We have had some articles about us in the newspapers, radio shows and even a short television feature during prime time TV!! People are starting to ask about us and want to know what is going on with the local football teams. All the hard work and extreme stress is paying off! We are developing into a reputable, professional organization which is setting an example to the rest of the country that youth leagues can successfully be organized.

Kenya in general is good. The talk of the country is the upcoming vote on the proposed Constitution. The country has spent like the last million years developing a constitution (since theirs was developed by the British when they became independent). Now it is finalized and there will be a vote in August if they adopt it or not. This past weekend there was a rally in Nairobi for the "NO" campign, basically organized by religious leaders. Most people who are opposing the Constitution are doing it because of one clause about abortion. Abortion will still be illegal as it is now here, but the new constitution says that now it will be legal if the mother's life is in danger. The entire Christian community is outraged so they are basically the ones opposing it. Anyway, at the rally someone set off hand grenades and 5 people died and like 75 were severely injured. It was being held right in the main park in Nairobi and was really horrible and scary. Sometimes this country is insane. Otherwise politics do not affect us so much here in Kisumu because we are not in the capital.

THe whol country is pretty excited right now about World Cup, which I will be going to on Sunday. I'll be in SOuth Africa from the 20th of June - July 9th. I have tickets for 5 matches and hopefully I can get more when I am there. It is very cool to see a continent come together to support each other. It's a huge deal for Africa and people here are really proud of it, as they should be! It will be an amazing experience and I mean come on... how could I not go to the first World CUp to be held in Africa?!?!