Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So it's hot here every day. Probably around 90... I am constantly sweating and it's funny because the Kenyans are not even phased by it. They clearly have never been to upstate NY in the winter to know that 90 degrees is really frikkin hot! So I'm in Kisumu now. I took the night bus on Saturday and the ride was actually a little bit better than last time I was here. You're only on a dirt road for half of it now haha. I'm staying with a friend in a neighborhood called Migosi. It takes about 10-15 minutes to get to town by public transportation, matatus. Today is the first day I've been in town. I'm finally getting settled and realizing that I will be taking bucket showers for the next year and doing dishes with a bucket of water... sweet. The food is awesome and I even tried intestines yesterday (I'm not sure from what animal). It was just as gross as I thought it would be, but at least I tried it. Not too much else to report. Hopefully I'll start some volunteer work in the next week or so, that's the plan anyway...

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