Sunday, August 16, 2009

11 months in Kenya...

So a few recent incidents. The first one involving the local witch doctor. 2 buildings down from me, there is a "traditional healer" who conducts his business from his house. He has signs all over the neighborhood advertising his business, which says how he cures "syphilis, gonorrhea, cancer, court cases, education, asthma, and vomiting all the times." This is no joke haha. So a few weeks ago, I wake up to a lot of commotion outside my apartment building. I walk out to the balcony and there is a huge crowd of about 100 people outside the witch doctor's house and there was a naked man down on the ground on all fours crying and moaning and eating grass while holding a goat on a string. Yea, this is still real. So apparently the story was another man had had a goat stolen from and he went to the witch doctor to try to get it back. So a few days later this crying naked man shows up with a goat. So it looks like the witch doctor placed a curse on him and he came back willingly to return the stolen goat. Along with the 100 or so people there watching, the police came and the media came. It was a huge crazy scene and so bizarre, I could barely believe it was happening. So I find out the next day it was a hoax. The naked crying man was hired by the witchdoctor to make it look like he had placed a curse on him to advertise for his business. Kenya is so strange sometimes...

Last weekend we hosted a nationwide girls tournament here in Kisumu. Of 32 teams that we supposed to come for the tournament, only 16 showed up. Very typical, but it made my life so extremely stressful the first day of the tournament. Turned out to be a very successful tournament and we had about 2000 or 3000 people watching each day. It was awesome!

Nothing else is very new. I have a few American friends who were here for the summer and they are all leaving soon which is sad. People seem to come and go quickly here.
Otherwise, just missing Mexican food and smooth roads...

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