Thursday, November 13, 2008

I arrived at Pandipieri this morning because today I'm supposed to work with their rehabilitation project and of course, no one is here because they all went to a meeting and no one told me. Awesome... this is the type of stuff that is frustrating here, but at least they have internet here so I get to write in my blog haha.

This week has been pretty low-key so far. Monday I helped out in the school here and red some books with the kids while they teach me Swahili and I try to teach them English. Tuesday I went with one of the case workers here to follow up on a case that has gone to court involving the rape of a ten year old girl. They deal with A LOT of cases like that here and it is really hard for me to br around sometimes. The way things are dealth with here is so different than home. It is such a slow process that in my opinion does not do nearly enough to protect the child or apprehend the criminals. So to hear the adults involved speak about the case so non-chalantly is quite upsetting to me. I just have to bite my tongue and deal with it, which is really draining and hard for me.

As far as my work with the soccer association goes, I am helping them get ready for their upcoming season which will start in the middle of Decemeber. This involved developing a lot of documents with rules, regulations, expectations, consent forms and things like that. I am also helping them to plan and hopefully implement an academy of sorts under the umbrella of KYFA. It will essentially be a travelling camp that will train local kids and coaches. Hopefully some of my sports admin training will pay off...

Everything else is going well. In two weeks an American girl I met here, myself and my friend from UNC who is coming to visit are all going for a touristy vacation on the coast. I am so excited for that!

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